Wanneer: oktober/november 2018
Voor wie: Margot Stroeken helpt expats die vast zitten in hun leven en niet meer weten wat ze aan moeten met hun carrière. Margot is zelf al jaren expat en woont op dit moment met haar man en kinderen in Brunei. Ze is gecertificeerd coach en heeft al veel mooie vrouwen mogen helpen met een gelukkig leven als expat.
Dit zegt Margot over expat-energy.com: “Moving to China without kids and then on to Brunei with a toddler and a 3 month old baby taught me that succeeding as an expat is not about your previous work experience or about having a career abroad. It is about rebuilding your life and sometimes also your career from scratch, dealing with loneliness and distance from loved ones and changing your identity. It is about connecting to your inner strength and resilience, about being willing to connect with strange people and strange cultures, about creating your own opportunities, about having bad days and being stronger the next day. About letting go of what you should do and should have, about acknowledging your own growth instead of focusing on the gap in your CV.”
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Website: https://expat-energy.com